Family Wellness through Community Connections

Chicago Collaborative for Thriving Families (THRIVE) is a 3-month aftercare program designed to support Intact families within the 60644, 60651, and 60624 zip codes. THRIVE connects families to the resources they need, right when they need them, close to home. 

Through this initiative, we work closely with families to identify their unique goals and connect them with a network of community partners that can help them achieve those goals. Our team provides ongoing support and celebrates the progress and successes of each family, ensuring they have access to the benefits and resources that will help them continue to thrive. 

Community-focused Impact

THRIVE is grounded in the belief that strong families are the cornerstone of healthy communities. By addressing challenges before they escalate, THRIVE aims to achieve significant long-term benefits:

  • A reduction in child abuse and neglect cases
  • Fewer emergency hotline calls and child removals
  • Enhanced access to community resources and support
  • Improved family wellness and stability

THRIVE ensures that families receive the resources and support they need to thrive, reducing their reliance on emergency interventions.

THRIVE Partners

THRIVE is an innovative partnership between Kaleidoscope and Bethel New Life, in cooperation with 15+ (and growing) community organizations on the West Side.

Families are referred to THRIVE through Kaleidoscope or Mary Crane Center. Bethel New Life is the physical hub location on the West Side.

Fostering a child. Becoming a foster parent.