Black lives matter.

Black lives matter. Kaleidoscope will continue to be a house of refuge and safety for our children and families and build resourcefulness and resiliency in our youth and families.

The majority of the children and youth we serve are black boys. They see, feel and experience the enduring violence against black people in our country. They need supportive communities more than most children, but our city, state and country all too often fail them.

At Kaleidoscope, the young people we serve are at a higher risk for being victims of violence. Most have experienced abuse or neglect in their biological homes. Many have been placed with foster families, who provide the stability and care they need, but who still mark the loss of a biological family. We know that all young people want and need to feel like they belong, but the young people we serve often don’t – and they have the additional hurdles of trauma to overcome.

Our programs directly address these issues. We find stable, loving homes for children and teens. We ensure they stay in their communities, so they can build life-long networks of support. We equip foster parents with the skills needed to build the stability and trust that young people need to thrive. We focus each of our interactions with children in our care on these key relationships. But there are complications.

Some of our young people have been hurt over the weekend. We’re doing additional outreach to all of our youth now to check on them, their families and their immediate communities. We want to make sure our young people stay safe while also respecting their need to connect to their own community.  We’re staying committed and thoughtful. 

Please be careful and safe. Check in on the young people in your life. And please gather with us for Stories that Connect on June 11 to hear, acknowledge and support the families in our care.